Stella Nsong Moving The American Elderly Health Care System Forward

Stella Nsong

I was honored to be featured in the Soar to Success Magazine in 2017.  You can read the full article now right here. Stella Nsong has “Soared to Success” as a columnist, mentor, consultant, speaker and trainer. She developed a nursing and healthcare service from scratch to help aging adults receive the expert care they need, plus her company provides opportunities for nurses looking to build their own businesses. She also writes, consults and speaks extensively in the healthcare industry. Her next goal is to

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The single KEY to OVERCOMING Procrastination


Why is it that we put off doing things? Even those things that we really want? Let’s say you want to lose twenty pounds….perfect topic before the holidays leading up to a new year. In the beginning, this passion for losing weight is so powerful that a person goes all out to do his or her best to get the pounds off. The problem with passionate, big life goals is that the goal is large enough and the process is long enough that there’s rarely enough immediate gratification to keep us going.

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